Saturday, November 29, 2014

Excuses, Excuses


Okay maybe not really haha. I'm actually kinda sick right now.

I'm sorry I've been so absent this month... I finally made it to end of term so I got all my tests done! I just wanted you guys to know I lived. :D

Just a few quick updates:

a) there will be a December post

b) I watched Mockingjay!! It was pretty good- though I would say Catching Fire was better. Even any of you want a review on that, just comment!

c) I'm hosting part of the blog tour for The Many Lives of Ruby Iyer! There will be a giveaway because who doesn't love giveaways? I have read the book.. (i.e. today because EFFING EXAMS) and I will say right now that it a great thriller. Come back on December 6th for the full post!

Other than that, I think that's preeettty much it. Okaaay baaai.


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